23 October 2017

Game - Top spin 4

After criticising quite severely the other tennis game I tried on ps3 (Virtua tennis 4), today's the turn for Top Spin 4.

This game is more demure graphics, but the animations are a lot better and more fluid than Virtua's.
Players have more varied animations in their victories, though one can notice a few repetitions, they are less so than Virtua's. Players have more personality, as well.

21 October 2017

Game - Virtua Tennis 4

Virtua tennis 4 which I played on PS3 (but also available on wii) is a game that I absolutely hated.

18 October 2017

Console - PS3

It took me several years until I decided to get the PS3, after having exhausted my PS2 from over-use as a game console as well as DVD player. 

By this time, I had already improved my set-up with a DVD and later BD players ; I never used the PS3 for anything else than gaming, as I wish to keep its laser lens functional.

08 October 2017

Game- LOTR risk

The lord of the rings risk is a strategy game based on the lord of the rings where the map represents Middle-Earth and tokens are armies of this particular fictional world, initially created by JRR Tolkien. 

04 October 2017

Games : Sudoku

If you type Sudoku on a search engine, you'll find millions of results. In all Sudoku games, the goal is simple but the way to achieve it may be a difficult one : you must fill 9x9 grids on a paper, or more modern and ecological, on apps on your computer, smartphone or tablet.